The Korean Gandhi, Bringing New Peace to India
The world renowned peace
activist, Mr. Man Hee Lee, joined the International Conference of Chief Justices of the World
(ICCJW) in India and delivered the keynote speech. In this conference, chief
justices of the world gathered and signed, on an unprecedented scale, the
agreement for the enactment of an international law to end all wars, a law
proposed by Mr. Lee. He also joined the Peace Walk at Montessori School, with
the student body, chief justices of the world, and former and current
Mr. Lee giving the speech to the audience |
Rabindranath Tagore, an Indian
poet who is a winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, named the Republic of
Korea as ‘the lamp of the East.’ And now the light of world peace is shining
from the Republic of Korea. A renowned peace activist of Korea, the chairman of
Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light, Mr. Man Hee Lee became the
topic of the day with his visit to India during his newest wave of the peace
movement. Mr. Lee was invited to ICCJW, hosted by the Montessori School in
India on December 14th (local time), and delivered the keynote
speech emphasizing the enactment of the international law as a solution to
achieve world peace and the cessation of wars. For this effort, 160 chief
justices from
around the world signed the agreement.
City Montessori School [CMS], Lucknow, Indiaw, India |
In Lucknow, India, for three
days starting from December 13th, the 15th ICCJW was
convened with 160 judicial officers from 43 different nations. This was the
largest ever meeting of its kind. In attendance were Former President Emil
Constantinescu of Romania, Former President Kgalema Motlanthe of South Africa,
Chief Justice of the Afghan Supreme Tribunal Abdul Salam Azimi, Indian First
Secretary to the Permanent Mission to the UN Prakash Gupta, Chairman of the
International Judicial Conference, USA Frederick Furth, and other former and
current heads-of-state.
The eyes and ears of the world
focused on the 160 chief justices in attendance who signed the written
agreement for an enactment of the international law for world peace and the cessation
of wars.
Furthermore, the judicial
officers in attendance were invited to Heavenly Culture, World Peace,
Restoration of Light (HWPL) as members of the advisory committee for
establishing an international law. This is expected to expedite the enactment
of the international law for world peace and the cessation of wars.
On the 13th, Mr.
Lee delivered his congratulatory remarks at the ICCJW, pleading, “If the
leaders truly want world peace and love their nation and its people, then they
must add a clause to end all wars in the international law and sign the
agreement for world peace.” Also in this conference, Mr. Lee put the world-wide
peace movement into action and pled for “an enactment of the international law
to end all wars.” He drew the participation of legal, political, and religious
leaders for the movement. Soon after the conference, Mr. Lee joined the Peace
Walk with more than 2,000 students and judicial officers to promote world peace
and the cessation of wars. Mr. Lee’s efforts are being broadcasted through many
media including a state-run broadcasting station of India, DD News “Insight
Also on the 14th,
Mr. Lee mentioned in his speech that “the world is living in anxiety and is in
chaos: nations fighting nations, civilizations fighting civilizations, fellow
countrymen killing each other, believers killing other believers, the youth
killing the youth. The world is in the midst of this conflict where nation and
ideology are divided.” Moreover, this is because “there is no clause in the
international law to end all wars on this earth and create peace.” The
pragmatic solution to this issue is to have former and current heads-of-state
implement the cessation of wars and world peace in the international law with
HWPL, and Mr. Lee pled that the international law must be enacted.
Chairwoman Nam Hee Kim giving the speech |
In September, HWPL amazed the
world with the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit in Seoul and since
then the organization has continued working tirelessly to end wars and usher in
world peace pragmatically. Assembled at the Peace Summit were national and
international political, religious, and youth leaders and members of media from
170 nations. Each party promised to gather their strengths to achieve peace. Political
leaders signed to collaborate for the enactment of the international law,
religious leaders signed to unite as one, and the youth and the media made
commitments to do their part to bring about peace.
Mr. Lee in DD broadcasting station |